A New Lesson -- Reiki

Posted by Zephyr
Since I was divinely guided towards healing through crystals from my higher self, almost a decade ago, I have been increasingly interested in healing modalities such as message, acupuncture, and energy work such as Reiki. I finally was given the opportunity to take a class, at the kindness of the teacher, at a discounted rate which I could afford. My teacher knew I needed to learn. 

During the first attunement I just got really hot, then cold. Not much else, other than I could sense my teachers energy and it was white-yellow color, a teach/learning aura. During the second attunement I saw many different types of eyes, one at a time, looking at me, then fading to black before changing to the next. One of which was an ostrich eye.

Later we did an exercise whereby we went to our sacred space and met our Reiki guides. My sacred space was a lovely rolling landscape with lush green tall trees, grass, hills and flowers. I passed my "house" which was a old english cobblestone style home with a garden larger than the house. In the center of the garden was beautiful koi pond. Next to it -- a huge, soft, large leather barcalounger. Yep that's right, my throne!

I sat in my throne to meet my guides. The first one was this very dark skinned tribal man with a painted face and rods through his nose. This person looks to be most like a man of the Melpa tribe from New Guinea. I am not sure if this photo is the Melpa tribe though it is very close to what I saw. I did a little research of the Melpa tribe: 

"Ghosts of dead family and clan members are the focal point of non-Christian religious practice among the Melpa. Pig sacrifices are made to keep these ghosts happy. These sacrifices are made when illness occurs within the village or before any dangerous task begins. The Melpa have religious experts who are responsible for curing the sick and act as intermediaries (go-betweens) between the human world and the spirit world. Women are not allowed to be curers but can be possessed by spirits and can also foretell the future."

The next guide was visionary, a tall, slender built man with a fedora and trench coat. His eyes showed elements, like the air, water. He handed me a small hand-held crystal ball.

The next guide was the ostrich. Ostrich Totem: helps you take ethereal knowledge and apply it to everyday, practical life. However, make sure that you take the time to digest this knowledge thoroughly before using it. Ostrich can help you link to the spirit realm without getting lost in it. Meditating on its large, well-planted feet will help you ground yourself to the Earth; especially if you feel that you are becoming a little flaky or flighty.

These rest of the guides I already knew. Great Native American Grandmother was at my head, hugging me. Her long silver hair draped over my shoulders as she hugged me.

The next guides were on my right, Quan-Yin, Seth, Michael.

It was really interesting, I am excited to see what kinds of journeys my new found Reiki skills will take me to.

1 Response to "A New Lesson -- Reiki"

  1. Anonymous Said,

    Shaman Chitta,

    It's Jon from Spiritual Satori. Tried to email you on here, but it didn't seem to go through. Can you email me? spiritualsatori@gmail.com
    Look forward to chatting with you soon.



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